Musings of a Diamond Geezer

When did you come here? When did you realize that you'd never be free? Live life to the fullest, disregard the hype, love thy neighbour (and perhaps undress him/her also). Ps. "Morals are for little people" - Jenny Holzer (that old adage - or perhaps rather truism - as featured in a collage of such in her LED-art work piece, displayed, among other places, on the cornice of the Northern Boulevard main entrance to the Fornebu-complexes (in Oslo) of the Telenor mega-corporation of Norway).

Location: Norway

30-something, cosmopolitan, internationalist, Norwegian somewhat conscious-ridden hedonist; torch-bearer for reasonable freedom of speech, equal opportunity, John Rawls + fashionistas everywhere. Perfectionist, style- & esthetics-loving risk-seeker; living on the edge, with a vengeance. Always looking for the highest abstract of truth, being a bon vivant free-thinker and a flaneur par excellence. Soul member of no social circle, organisation or political party - a true independent. Last, but not least: Empathetic, open-minded, relations-focused, inertia-exploring, creative, red wine-loving bourgeois rebel. Also very modest and unassuming... Currently engaged in fleshing out a potential new direction in life, while seeking refuge/finding solace in and/or contemplating complacency in line with (choose your preferred alternative) the line "30 is the new 20", from Jay-Z's excellent new album, "Kingdom Come".

Monday, October 30, 2006

Who is Ken Blackwell?

Stopp Volden

Blackwell, a black republican, Ohio Secretary of State, and ostensibly a supporter of president Bush (although an internal R-party report on him concluded with "Ken Blackwell's main priority is doing what is best for Ken Blackwell"), helped the latter steal the 2004 US presidential elections.

According to extensive coverage in Rolling Stone Magazine during the last months, he's likely to help steal the state of Ohio for the Republicans (and in turn, of course, for himself) during the forthcoming elections on Nov. 7th.

He certainly is mentioned a lot in media as of late, and particularly in this case, I believe there can be no smoke without a fire. Check the references on the Wikipedia entry. This guy's the one you'll want to look out for (and dig deeper on) in the mid-term elections about a week from now.

The worst part: There may be many others like him - he's probably just the best known and documented operator at the moment.


Blogger Graeme said...

Corrupt. Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel owns stock in the company that counts his votes! The US is no democracy

6:13 AM  
Blogger Agile said...

Thanks for the info. And I'm sure that other similar kinds of ties could be found, upon closer inspection of this more or less sinister character.

To think that he was once a Democrat...

Opportunism, not democracy, seems to be the order of the day. Not only in the US, but perhaps in most of the western world. But with US being the torch-bearer of freedom and democracy, it would probably *help* if things could get a little more real and decent within it's own political and judicial realm.


6:07 PM  

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