Musings of a Diamond Geezer

When did you come here? When did you realize that you'd never be free? Live life to the fullest, disregard the hype, love thy neighbour (and perhaps undress him/her also). Ps. "Morals are for little people" - Jenny Holzer (that old adage - or perhaps rather truism - as featured in a collage of such in her LED-art work piece, displayed, among other places, on the cornice of the Northern Boulevard main entrance to the Fornebu-complexes (in Oslo) of the Telenor mega-corporation of Norway).

Location: Norway

30-something, cosmopolitan, internationalist, Norwegian somewhat conscious-ridden hedonist; torch-bearer for reasonable freedom of speech, equal opportunity, John Rawls + fashionistas everywhere. Perfectionist, style- & esthetics-loving risk-seeker; living on the edge, with a vengeance. Always looking for the highest abstract of truth, being a bon vivant free-thinker and a flaneur par excellence. Soul member of no social circle, organisation or political party - a true independent. Last, but not least: Empathetic, open-minded, relations-focused, inertia-exploring, creative, red wine-loving bourgeois rebel. Also very modest and unassuming... Currently engaged in fleshing out a potential new direction in life, while seeking refuge/finding solace in and/or contemplating complacency in line with (choose your preferred alternative) the line "30 is the new 20", from Jay-Z's excellent new album, "Kingdom Come".

Saturday, August 26, 2006


This post will be updated with time, to discuss the relevance and the functions of this clandestine, secretive branch of world leader and/or prominent non-political patronage summit-meetings.

What goes on there, and why should you know about them? Why don't they attract demonstrants, media coverage and violent protestors like meetings of the WTO, IMF and World Bank, and is it true that they anoint future world leaders, like they are reputed to have done with Bill Clinton in 1991?

Talk about the Bilderberg-groups used to be dismissed as contrived, hysterical conspiracy theories. The Bilderbergers were said to be non-existent. This much in tune with controversies and mythologies surrounding organisations like Echelon, NSA, and other conspiracy theory buzz themes that top government eventually had to admit to the existence and relevance of.

Stay tuned.

(November 2nd: This topic is proving very wide, and sorting out the essence will take time. Especially perhaps since conspiracy-nuts have flooded the internet with more or less hysterical speculation on this very real semi-annual gathering of (mostly the western hemisphere's) power-elites. There is probably also some contra-propaganda out there, so things need to be checked and double-checked with multiple sources. Please bear with me).


Blogger Frank Partisan said...


There is so much verifiably bad, in the capitalist system, with people just acting out of self interest. There is no need for conspiracy theories. Things are crazy without them.

I recommend getting a different template, to add links easier.


7:13 AM  
Blogger Agile said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I am only just starting to feel my way as far as the technicalities are concerned. When I have time I will explore to check for other options.

With the Bilderbergers, what I aim to write about, is how they are not a conspiracy theory at all. I've just been doing some research this weekend, and am also looking for the right angle.

It's now widely known and accepted that these meetings are elite, and their talks never formally recorded for the sake of transparancy. The main thing for me (and others) to chart, I guess, is what relevance this organisation plays as opposed to other, comparable, more-or-less clandestine, summit meetings.

3:53 PM  
Blogger Agile said...

Ps. I've just checked out your blog and it's very interesting - and very stylish.


4:00 PM  

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